historical Hint

The sector was established following the issue of the decree no. 1142 of 1988 of the Cabinet concerning the competences of the Vice-President for the Community Service and Environment Development Affairs. They are as follow:

·        Supervising plans and programs preparations that achieve the university role in community service and environment development.

·        Supervising the administration of the special units affairs that provide full or some services for non students except the university hospitals.

·        Supervising the implementation of various types of training programs for personnel of both public and private sectors whether it was a continuous training or training sessions.

·        Studying the faculties reports and the academic conferences recommendations with regards to the community service and environment development before being submitted to the University Council.

·        Following up the implementation of the resolutions of the Supreme Council of Universities and the University Council concerning the community service and environment development Affairs. 



Ahmed Hamza

(1992 - 1994)


Ali M. El Adl

(1994 - 2001)



(2001 - 2005)


M. Z. Elshabouri

(2005 - 2010 )



Remona Assaf

(2010 -2012)


Mahmoud EL-mligy 




Zaki Zidan
