Meeting of the Board of Directors of Mansoura University Press, session No. (98), Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim - Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs met today, Wednesday, July 24, 2024, with the members of the Board of Directors of Mansoura University Press:

Prof. Dr. Walid El-Shenawy - Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Jaidi - Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Prof. Dr. Sherif Masoud - Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Mona El-Dakrouri - Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Prof. Dr. Nabil Arafat - Director of Mansoura University Press, Professor Saad Abdel Wahab - Acting Secretary General of the University.

This is to discuss the process of developing the Mansoura University Press, discuss the various topics on the agenda, and ratify the minutes of the previous session No. (97) dated 1/3/2023.


Mansoura University launches a cooperation plan between the universities of the Delta Region Alliance, today, Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Mansoura University launches a cooperation plan between the universities of the Delta Region Alliance
Today, Tuesday, July 23, 2024, Mansoura University launched a cooperation plan between the universities of the Delta Region Alliance, at the headquarters of Mansoura National University in the city of Gamasa.
This came within the activities of the “First Forum of the Universities of the Delta Region Alliance,” which is organized by Mansoura University during its presidency of the alliance this year 2024, at the student camp in the city of Gamasa during the period from July 20 to July 25, 2024, and is held under the patronage of Professor Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research. In the presence of Prof. Dr. Sherif Khater, President of Mansoura University, Prof. Dr. Abdel Razek Youssef, President of Kafr El-Sheikh University, Prof. Dr. Hamdan Rabie, President of Damietta University, Prof. Dr. Moawad El-Kholy, President of New Mansoura University, Dr. Mohamed Rabie Nasser, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Delta University, Prof. Dr. Al-Saeed Abdel Al-Hadi, President of Horus University, Professor Dr. Mansour Dowidar, President of Samanoud Technological University, Professor Dr. Orabi Al-Sayed Kishk, President of the Technological Delta, Professor Dr. Mohamed Attia Al-Bayoumi, Vice President of Mansoura University for Education and Students, Professor Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Vice President of Mansoura University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Professor Dr. Tarek Ghaloush, Vice President of Mansoura University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Professor Dr. Nasser Abdel Bari, Vice President of Menoufia University for Education and Students, Professor Dr. Sherif Kishk, Assistant Minister of Higher Education for Governance and Digital Transformation.
Professor Dr. Sherif Khater confirmed that the alliance between the universities of the Delta region aims to implement the national strategy for higher education and scientific research, the most important principles of which are achieving integration between educational institutions. and industrial; and research; And the business sector to implement the state’s vision for sustainable development in Egypt 2030, where many cooperation protocols were signed between universities in the region, noting that the delta sector represents 25% of the population of Egypt, and the number of public and private technological universities, which places responsibility on the universities of the region to achieve integration among them. To achieve the state’s vision for sustainable development, and achieve integration and sufficiency in the medical fields; and industrial; agricultural; And technology. He also stressed the development of a set of plans to achieve integration and establish frameworks for cooperation between universities in the region.
Professor Dr. Muhammad Attia Al-Bayoumi reviewed the aspects of cooperation in the field of specific programs, student activities, and integration in interdisciplinary disciplines, noting that the cooperation plan in the education sector and students includes basic axes, which are: teaching and learning, activities, innovation and entrepreneurship, internationalization, and giving priority to programs. Basic sciences (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) through: giving free scholarships in cooperation between the sector’s universities and local and international donors, focusing on these programs in student exchange agreements between the sector’s universities, developing joint programs to raise the efficiency of faculty members in these sectors, exchanging experiences in the field of improving laboratories, workshops, and teaching halls, disseminating e-book systems, creating joint educational platforms, and open educational resources for review among the universities of the region, paying attention to student activities and building the student’s personality through holding joint trips, seminars and major events, and hosting valuable joint events. , exchanging the use of logistical capabilities, student training and labor market skills, holding the Youth Leadership Training Program (MYLP), and paying attention to student training and labor market skills. Cooperation also takes place through professional development centers where training courses are held to bridge the gap between the graduate and the needs of the labor market. Professional guidance, holding short professional courses to meet changing labor market needs, establishing local and international partnerships, supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and emerging companies, forming a permanent committee to support small and medium enterprises for universities in the Delta sector, launching an ideas bank, encouraging and motivating innovators, establishing Joint exhibitions with the finance and industry sectors for graduation projects, creating a regional business incubator.

And interest in internationalizing education through concluding new partnerships and activating existing agreements with international universities, cooperation with embassies and cultural attachés, student exchange and exchange of faculty members in a dual direction with international partners, increasing the number of international students and paying attention to international graduates.
Professor Dr. Tariq Ghaloush gave a presentation on the prospects for cooperation in the graduate studies and research sector, during which he presented the areas of scientific cooperation and linking it to industry, and the internationalization of the international reference university - innovation and entrepreneurship,
Stressing that the Egyptian Delta universities are among the most important centers of higher education and scientific research in Egypt, and enjoy distinguished scientific and research capabilities. These universities realize the importance of cooperation among themselves to achieve their goals in the field of graduate studies and research, to enhance their research capabilities and improve the quality of their outputs.
The areas of cooperation horizons include: organizing periodic scientific conferences and seminars to discuss the latest developments in the fields of graduate studies and research, exchanging ideas, and cooperating in joint research projects, developing joint graduate programs in areas of common interest such as agriculture, medicine, engineering, and humanities, and providing exchange opportunities. Postgraduate students between different universities, which enriches their educational experience and enables them to learn about the latest research methods, cooperate in publishing scientific research in local and international scientific journals, and share available research resources such as: laboratories; and libraries; and scientific equipment. This helps reduce the costs of scientific research and improve its efficiency, cooperation in implementing joint research projects in areas of common interest, such as climate change, the use of renewable energy, and sustainable development. This helps to benefit from the expertise and research capabilities of all universities, organizing workshops and training courses for faculty members and researchers on topics related to graduate studies and research. This helps to develop their research skills and capabilities, and provides opportunities to visit other universities to give lectures, and conduct joint research to exchange experiences and knowledge between faculty members at various universities.
Cooperation: Establishing a joint fund to finance research in areas of common interest to support young researchers and encourage them to conduct innovative research. Cooperation in submitting joint applications for research funding from local and international donors to increase the chances of researchers obtaining the necessary funding to conduct their research. Cooperation in developing research infrastructure. The alliance universities have, and this helps improve the scientific research environment and motivate researchers to complete their research, cooperation in central laboratories for optimal exploitation of them, as Egyptian universities pump their investments into developing those laboratories.
He pointed out that Mansoura University had the leadership in implementing a project linking the university with industry, to provide solutions for the industrial sector based on scientific research, cooperation in developing academic programs, cooperation in the field of scientific research, cooperation in the field of technology transfer, and cooperation in the field of training and development of human resources.
The university obtained the iWater project in partnership with a German university and Ain Shams University to develop the water sector in Egypt through innovative multidisciplinary partnerships.
He also announced the launch of the Mansoura University digital graduate studies platform, which is an electronic platform to provide training and advanced and specialized graduate studies programs.

The platform also aims to provide an innovative virtual educational environment that combines interactive lessons and personal assessments to enhance the educational experience and support the possibility of learning and training for beneficiaries anywhere and at any time. Bridges of cooperation with universities and other institutions can also be extended through the digital platform by hosting international conferences and important events. , and purposeful content.
He also pointed to activating cooperation in establishing colleges of graduate studies to provide specialized interdisciplinary programs that would bridge the gap between traditional specializations and meet the needs of the evolving labor market.
Professor Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim reviewed aspects of cooperation in the field of environment, community service, a decent life, and integrated convoys, stressing that the pillars of preparing the alliance plan are sustainable development goals aimed at achieving Egypt’s Vision 2030, the national strategy for higher education and scientific research, the strategic plans of universities and governorates in the Delta region, and projects. Nationalism and presidential initiatives, achieving international standards of social responsibility, noting that the objectives of the coalition’s action plan are: providing comprehensive health services and improving the health of individuals, promoting sustainable economic growth and localization of industry, achieving self-sufficiency and improving the standard of living, protecting and managing natural resources and adapting to climate change, Providing sustainable education and training opportunities to develop skills and capabilities, qualifying graduates for the local and international labor market and providing sustainable job opportunities, improving urban planning and the topographic map, developing cities in a sustainable manner, enhancing community participation, empowering vulnerable groups and achieving equality of opportunities.
Professor Dr. Sherif Keshk also presented the features of cooperation in the technological field through Intilak Company at Mansoura University for Communications and Information Technology, noting that it has 27 years of experience during which it produced 35 electronic systems, and has more than 1,000 terabytes of stored data. He pointed out that Intilak Company aims to provide Many distinguished technical services for various private and governmental institutions inside and outside Egypt, and supporting the digital transformation of universities in the region by offering discounts on the company’s systems with the aim of automating manual work. Developing traditional electronic businesses into smart applications, presenting industrial problems to researchers at participating universities to solve through funded research projects, preparing practical content to be used in the educational process to link the educational process to the labor market, and providing introductory lectures at participating universities on modern and promising technologies.
The events concluded with an open discussion with the university presidents of the Delta region.


Mansoura University receives the presidents, deputies and representatives of the universities of the Delta region during their participation in the activities of the “First Forum of the Universities of the Delta Region Alliance”

Mansoura University receives the presidents, deputies and representatives of the universities of the Delta region during their participation in the activities of the “First Forum of the Universities of the Delta Region Alliance”
Professor Dr. Sherif Khater, President of Mansoura University, received today, Tuesday, July 23, 2024, the presidents, deputies, and representatives of the universities of the Delta Region Alliance during their participation in the activities of the “First Forum of the Universities of the Delta Region Alliance,” which is organized by Mansoura University during its presidency of the alliance this year 2024, at the student camp in the city of Gamasa. During the period from July 20 to July 25, 2024, under the patronage of Professor Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and in the presence of: Professor Dr. Abdel Razek Youssef, President of Kafr El-Sheikh University, Professor Dr. Moawad Al-Kholy, President of New Mansoura University, Professor Dr. Al-Saeed Abdel Al-Hadi, President of Horus University, Professor Dr. Mansour Dowidar, President of Samanoud Technological University, Professor Dr. Orabi Al-Sayed Kishk, President of the Technological Delta, Professor Dr. Mohamed Attia Al-Bayoumi, Vice President of Mansoura University for Education and Students, Professor Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Vice President of Mansoura University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Professor Dr. Tarek Ghaloush, Vice President of Mansoura University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Professor Dr. Nasser Abdel Bari, Vice President of Menoufia University for Education and Students.
250 students are participating in the forum’s activities, representing various public, private, technological, and private universities in the Delta region. They represent 12 universities: (Mansoura, Menoufia, Kafr El-Sheikh, Damietta, Sadat City, Mansoura National, New Mansoura, Menoufia National, Delta for Science and Technology, Horus, Delta Technology, Samnoud Technology), representatives of the Federation of Egyptian Industries, New Damietta Branch, and from the private sector, Intilaq Company for Communications and Information Technology, Tanta Motors Company, and Sanabel Al-Khair Company for Agricultural Solutions.
A meeting was held between university presidents and representatives with students from participating universities to get their opinions during their participation in the forum, and to answer their inquiries.
At the beginning of his speech, Professor Dr. Sherif Khater welcomed the presence of the presidents, deputies and representatives of the Delta Region Alliance universities during their participation in the activities of the “First Forum of the Delta Region Alliance Universities” in the student camp in the city of Gamasa, stressing Mansoura University’s keenness to organize the first forum of the Delta Region Alliance universities during the university’s presidency of the alliance. In 2024, within the framework of achieving the strategy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research,
One of its most important principles is achieving integration between educational institutions. and industrial; and research; And the business sector to implement Egypt’s vision for sustainable development 2030, as well as the university’s keenness to activate student communication, develop awareness, strengthen ties between students in Egyptian universities, and exchange visions and ideas through student activities and an intensive educational program to form student awareness, change ideas, and work to prepare them to be Future leaders, as well as emphasizing the Egyptian state’s efforts in construction and development.
Professor Dr. Abdel Razek Youssef, President of Kafrelsheikh University, praised the efforts of Mansoura University in organizing the forum, stressing that this diversity and gathering of university students is a great opportunity to exchange ideas and visions, which confirms the Egyptian state’s interest in youth, developing their capabilities, and the universities’ keenness to care for them, educate them, and raise awareness.
Pointing out that student activities and forums are a great opportunity for students to exchange ideas, he also expressed his hope that the alliance during the presidency of Mansoura University this year will result in a framework for development, building partnerships and exchanging all points of excellence between universities.
For his part, Professor Dr. Mohamed Attia Al-Bayoumi explained that the forum’s activities included educational activities to educate young people about the achievements of the Egyptian state, prepare them for the labor market, their role in building the future of the new republic, and the challenges facing young people. The activities also included sports and recreational activities to integrate university students into various activities and increase connections. Among students of the alliance of various universities in the Delta region.
The students praised the distinguished educational program with a lot of valuable information that would change misconceptions and information and form awareness of national issues and projects, and that the forum is an opportunity to exchange experiences between students and participate in student projects.


A workshop for children to teach arts and manual skills at the Nile Club, “Choose Your Project Committee.”

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister, Professor Dr. Sherif Khater, President of Mansoura University, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Professor Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors.
In the presence of His Excellency Professor Dr. Muhammad Abdel Azim, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development, a workshop was opened for children to teach arts and manual skills. In the presence of Professor Dr. Metwally Abu Sari’, Chairman of the Committee, and Professor Dr. Abeer Tawakkol, Rapporteur. The committee... and Professor Dr. Zainab Abdel Aziz... the committee coordinator... and the club director... within the framework of providing distinguished and diverse services... and the keenness of the work team at the Nile Club to meet the desires of the members...
This comes in implementation of the policies of Mansoura University - as the first accredited Egyptian university -... and in fulfillment of the strategy of the community service and environmental development sector at the university... and in implementation of the goals and policies of the Nile Club in providing various services that satisfy its members.


Meeting regarding the production of an organic pesticide for plants and agricultural crops, Monday, July 22, 2024

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim - Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs met today, Monday, July 22, 2024, with the following gentlemen:

Prof. Dr. Yahya Al-Lazek - Emeritus Professor at the College of Sciences, Prof. Dr. Metwally Abu Saree - Vice Dean of the College of Agriculture for Community Service Affairs, Prof. Dr. Mustafa El-Feki - Director of the University Services Marketing Center, Prof. Dr. Amr Gabr - General coordinator of community service and environmental development sector activities.

This is to discuss and study the production of an organic pesticide for plants and agricultural crops.


Meeting on digitizing the curricula and programs of the General Authority for Adult Education and “Literacy”, Sunday, July 14, 2024

Within the framework of the political leadership's orientations, taking actual measures towards digital transformation, and working to develop all state institutions technologically, especially educational ones, and given that Mansoura University possesses technological capabilities that contribute to making a qualitative shift towards digital transformation, e-learning, blended education, and digitizing curricula.

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim - Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs met today, Sunday, July 14, 2024, with the following:

Prof. Dr. Asmaa El-Hadi - Director of the Center for Literacy and Adult Education at Mansoura University, Assistant Professor Dr. Mahmoud Saafan - Deputy Director of Intilaq Company, Assistant Professor Dr. Mohamed Handousa - Deputy Director of Intilaq Center, Assistant Professor Dr. Amr Gabr - General Coordinator of Activities in the Community Service Sector, Eng. Sherif Fawzy - Head of Digital Transformation in the Sector.

This is to discuss the action plan for digitizing the curricula and programs of the General Authority for Adult Education (literacy) and to study converting the curricula from their current state to a digital curriculum that presents the content in an interesting and interactive way to illiterate students in a short time, similar to the idea of ​​short-term, frequently viewed electronic applications, to enable them to learn letters and numbers in an enjoyable interactive way, while including some different and varied societal issues that help our people raise their awareness.


Mansoura University President inspects final preparations for Nile Club development and modernization project in Al-Jarbi area in Ras El-Barr city

Mansoura University President inspects the final preparations for the Nile Club development and modernization project in the Al-Jarbi area in Ras El-Barr City
Professor Dr. Sherif Youssef Khater, President of Mansoura University, inspected today, Saturday, July 13, 2024
the final preparations for the Nile Club development and modernization project in the Al-Jarbi area in Ras El-Barr City,
as part of the preparations for the opening of the second headquarters of the Nile Club, Mansoura University, in the near future, to provide various services to university members through a distinguished services program, taking advantage of the club's distinguished location in Ras El-Barr City, where the development operations have been completed and include: the administrative headquarters, the fence, the wedding hall, the multi-purpose hall, and service halls, a semi-Olympic swimming pool with an electromechanical system, the Aqua Park area, modifying the external fence and the nature of the finishing, the auxiliary services building, and increasing a light floor as a service headquarters and a distinguished restaurant.
The President of the University was accompanied during the tour by Professor Dr. Mahmoud Saad, the project supervisor at the Engineering Consulting Center at Mansoura University, Dr. Reda Ibrahim - Director General of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector


Mansoura University President inspects final preparations for the university hotel in Ras El Bar city for its opening soon

Mansoura University President inspects the final preparations for the university hotel in Ras El Bar city for its opening soon
Professor Dr. Sherif Khater, President of Mansoura University, inspected today, Saturday, July 13, 2024, the final preparations and furniture equipment for the new Mansoura University Hotel in Ras El Bar city, as part of the plan to complete the finishing works and final preparations for the hotel for its opening soon and providing various services to faculty members and employees
Professor Dr. Sherif Khater stressed that the university pays great attention to university members to achieve job satisfaction and is interested in providing all social services to faculty members and employees with the aim of achieving excellence and quality in the hotel services provided, and stressed during the tour the importance of completing all work related to the actual operation of the hotel in the near future.
It is noteworthy that the hotel is located in a distinguished location near the beach of Ras El Bar city and includes 32 rooms, including 8 family suites and 24 hotel rooms
The President of the University, Dr. Mahmoud Saad, accompanied the Engineering Consulting Center, Dr. Reda Ibrahim Muhammad, General Manager of the General Administration for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and representatives of the implementing agency


Mansoura University President and Vice President inspect final preparations for opening and operating workers' summer resort in Gemsa City

Mansoura University President inspects final preparations for opening and operating the summer resort for employees in Gemsa City
Dr. Sherif Youssef Khater, President of Mansoura University, inspected today, Saturday, July 13, 2024, the final finishes, furnishing and equipping of the university's summer resort for employees in Gemsa City, as part of the continuous follow-up of the development and modernization of university facilities.
In the presence of Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs
During the tour, the university president inspected what has been accomplished in terms of developing and raising the efficiency of the units in the summer resort to be in a manner befitting the university's employees.
During the tour, he stressed the need to quickly complete various furniture and furnishing preparations and install all service equipment so that the summer resort is ready with all equipment to receive university employees during the coming week. He pointed out that the Mansoura University administration pays great attention to providing social care for employees and their families and providing all possible services and providing comfort during their stay in the summer resort units. The summer resort for employees in Gemsa City was developed and was built on an area of ​​500 square meters and includes four floors. The first floor consists of 11 rooms, each with a kitchen and a bathroom. The three upper floors include 18 units, each unit is an apartment with two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. The summer resort has a front and back garden and a children's play area.


Meeting of the University Protocols Study Committee, Monday, July 8, 2024

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim - Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs met today, Monday, July 8, 2024, with the members of the Protocols Study Committee.
This is to present and study the file of protocols within the university’s colleges and centers and discuss all legal standards and procedures and their conformity with them.


A meeting to discuss the emergency and safe evacuation plan “Occupational Safety and Health” Monday, July 8, 2024

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim - Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs met today, Monday, July 8, 2024, with the Vice Deans of the Colleges for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs at the University and the Executive Director of University Hospitals.

This is to discuss the objectives, factors and elements of the emergency and safe evacuation plan through the Center for Occupational Safety and Health, and to form and train risk and crisis response teams in facilities and determine their duties and tasks to be a general framework for implementing evacuation plans and rescue operations and a guide for protecting individuals in coordination and cooperation with the relevant departments and the necessity of preserving the lives of facility employees. By removing them from the scene of dangers and crises as soon as they hear the announcement of their presence, and directing them to pre-determined gathering points.


“Restaurant Cost Management” workshop for students of Sinbellaween Secondary School for Hotel Affairs and Tourism Services in cooperation with the Directorate of Education in Dakahlia... Sunday, July 7, 2024:

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sherif Khater; President of Mansoura University.. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim; Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs.. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Abdel Latif; Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels.. Mr. Nasser Shaaban Shehata; Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education in Dakahlia... and leadership of Prof. Dr. Doaa Samir Hazza; Vice Dean of the College for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs.... Prof. Abdel-Ghani Al-Ghazi, General Director of Social Education in Dakahlia and member of the College’s Community Service and Environmental Development Committee.... Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sherif Gamal Saad; Head of the Department of Hotel Studies... A workshop on “Managing Restaurant Costs” was organized for the students of Sinbellaween Secondary School for Hotel Affairs and Tourism Services on July 7, 2024.
The workshop was delivered by Dr. Ahmed Anwar Al-Saeed; Lecturer in the Department of Hotel Studies and Director of the Public Service Center for Tourism and Hotel Consultations... where he discussed restaurant cost management - the impact of waste on profitability - waste management - standard recipes and their importance - calculating food costs - pricing - reasons for incorrect total costs.
Under the supervision of Mr. Yasser Al-Morsi; head teacher. Mr. Abeer Al-Sayed; The social worker... in the presence of A. Nadia Taha Al-Najjar; Social education mentor. Within the college’s plan for tourism, archaeological, historical and environmental community awareness for the academic year 2023/2024 and within the 2024 summer activity plan in the directorate’s schools at its various stages (primary - preparatory - general and technical secondary).
