Telemedicine: A New Cooperation Protocol between Mansoura University and El-Wadi El-Gedeed Governorate
General Mohamed Elzamloty, Governor of El-Wadi El-Gedeed received Mansoura University delegation headed by Prof. Mahmoud Mohammed El-Meligi, Vice- President of Community Service and
Environmental Development Affairs, to discuss the different prospects of cooperation between the two sides with a view to developing the governorate in different fields. It was agreed that a telemedical protocol between the university and the governorate would be signed. According to this protocol, medical consultations would be offered by Mansoura medical staff from hospitals and medical centers in Mansoura University. It was also agreed that Faculty of Medicine staff members can now be delegated, through contracts, to the governorate particularly in rare specialties.
The governor thanked Mansoura University for selecting El-Wadi El-Gedeed Governorate as the location for the activities of “The Integrated Bridges of Goodness 7” convoy which took place between 8- 12 February. During the convoy, 2081 patients from Elkharga and Eldakhla oases as well as from neighboring areas were examined. They were offered free medication. A number of operations including cataract and lens implant were carried out. Twenty-five cases were referred to Mansoura University hospitals for further investigations, treatment and surgical interference. Veterinarians in the convoy examined 750 sheep and goats, 2000 birds, 1151 cows and buffaloes, 15 horses and 500 rabbits.
The activities of the convoy included a number of workshops aiming to raise the awareness of farmers as well as those concerned with the agricultural sector. A number of grape, mango and other fruit farms were visited and advice concerning the technical handling and pruning were offered. Visits were also paid to “experimental” wheat farms in both oases