Start awareness activities for Anti-Addiction and Abuse Committee at Mansoura University colleges
Within the framework of the plan of Anti-Addiction and Abuse Committee at Mansoura University, which is affiliated to the community service and environmental development sector, the committee organized an awareness campaign in a number of university colleges starting on Sunday, November 7, 2021, with compliance to all precautionary measures under the auspices of Prof. Ashraf Abdul Basit, President of the University, Prof. Mahmoud Al-Meligi, Vice-President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, under the supervision of Prof. Sahar Al-Dakrouri, Professor of Clinical Toxics at the Faculty of Medicine at Al-Mansoura University, the head of Anti-Addiction and Abuse Committee at Mansoura University and member of the National Council for women, Dakahlia branch, with the participation of the Al-Mahrousa students’ team of the Community Service Sector.
Students from the Faculty of (Education, Nursing, Engineering, Arts, Science, Commerce, and pharmacy) were made aware of the dangers of smoking and how to quit it and addictive substances, Misconceptions were also discussed about the most common addictive substances and their damage to the nervous system and various body systems, the relationship of narcotic substances to traffic accidents, overcoming the withdrawal symptoms of addiction by will and helping parents, and informing them of the addiction treatment hotline number of the Fund for the Prevention and Treatment of Addiction and Abuse. It is worth mentioning that an awareness campaign is scheduled to be organized in all university colleges over the coming days.