The Former Prime Minister, Dr. Essam Sharaf, Delivers a Lecture at Mansoura University.
Today, February 16, 2015, at the Conference Hall, Mansoura University has welcomed the former Prime Minister of Egypt during the First Scientific Congress
organized by the Department of Zoology at the Faculty of Science, in collaboration with the Sector of Community Service and Environment Development. The Congress was witnessed by the University President, the Vice- President for Higher Studies and Research, the Vice –President for Community Service and Environment Development, the former University President, some of the Staff- members, and university students.
The former Prime Minister introduced a symposium, under the title of “The Future and the Echoes of the Homeland,” which comes within the activities of the Congress. In his unconventional lecture, the Former Prime Minister discussed his point of view concerning the future of Egypt and stressed upon the peculiarity of the home-country and the importance of the sense of belonging irrespective of any political or ethnic inclinations. The honorable guest spoke about the gap between the rich and the poor countries and how to overcome some of the problems, in addition to the concept of the family in Egypt, out of his personal experience. The lecture was highly informative and supplemented by international music and Egyptian classical songs that shaped the Egyptian character.