Meeting of Mansoura University Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development with the team of Community Activities and Initiatives and the team of Confronting Drug Abuse and Addiction of the Sector
Prof. Mahmoud Mohamed El-Meligy - Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development held a meeting on Sunday, December 18, 2022 with the Community Activities and Initiatives team and Confronting Drug Abuse and Addiction team of the community service and environmental development sector, in the presence of Prof. Tariq Mustafa Mohamed Ghalwash - Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Head of the Community Activities and Initiatives Team, Dr. Sahar Abdel Aziz Al-Dakrouri - Professor of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology at the Faculty of Medicine and Head of Confronting Drug Abuse and Addiction team, and the members of both teams.
At the beginning of the meeting, Prof. Mahmoud El-Meligy welcomed all the attendees and presented the objectives of the meeting, which are to discuss the work plan for each team and develop performance indicators on which periodic follow-up reports will be made for the performance of each team.
In the first part of the meeting, Prof. Mahmoud El-Meligy began to discuss the work plan of the Community Activities and Initiatives Team, where Prof. Tariq Ghalwash presented the terms of reference and objectives of the team and the fields in which the initiatives and activities will be implemented to achieve these goals, which are (the economic field, the health field, the environmental field, the cultural field, and the social field)
Prof. Mahmoud El-Meligy also recommended cooperating with external parties to organize activities outside the campus, such as participating in the initiative to support home production and roof planting, and developing a work system to participate in solving the problem of garbage, beautifying neighborhoods, and traffic awareness for pedestrians and motorists, and stressed the interest in the digital literacy and financial inclusion initiative to serve the state's directions in the digital transformation initiative.
Then Prof. Mahmoud El-Meligy touched on the second part of the meeting, where he began to discuss the work plan of Confronting Drug Abuse and Addiction team, and Dr. Sahar Al-Dakrouri presented the terms of reference and objectives of the team and the action plan during which a number of activities and events will be implemented to achieve the vision and objectives of the team.
At the end of the Meeting, Al-Meligy pointed out the need for cooperation and solidarity between all teams to obtain the best results, and stressed the need to develop an urgent implementation plan, and the importance of making periodic achievement reports on all activities and events that take place in accordance with the performance indicators of each team, with the media publication of all activities on the university's official websites and social media platforms.