Meeting of the members of the Board of Directors of the University’s English Language Center. Thursday 12/14 /2023

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim - Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs met today, Thursday, December 14, 2023 AD, with the members of the Board of Directors of the University’s English Language Center, who are:
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Suleiman Al-Jaidi - Dean of the College of Arts.
Prof. Dr. Ali Abd Rabbo - Dean of the College of Education.
Prof. Dr. Ali Muhammad Mustafa - Director of the English Language Center.
Prof. Dr. El-Sayed Naeem Sharif - Professor of Arabic Language at the College of Arts.
Dr. Basma Hosni Ahmed - Assistant Professor in the English Language Department, College of Arts
Dr. Rehab - Lecturer in the English Yield Department, College of Education
A/Mohamed Abdel Latif - Secretary General of the University
At the beginning, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim welcomed the guests and ratified the previous minutes (the Council was briefed) and presented them to the University Council. Then he discussed all matters related to the English Language Center and its needs in terms of devices, places, and administrative elements. His Excellency explained that now the trend in the Egyptian state is not to The existence of private centers and their conversion into companies. We seek to transform the centers in colleges into companies to achieve benefit and generate income for the place. For example, converting the printing press into a company to maximize production and comply with digital printing presses, as digital printing presses have conquered the world. He pointed out that the last meeting of the center It was about a year ago, and that there should be periodic meetings in an organized manner. He added that there is a headquarters for the center in the College of Education, but there is no website (web site). There are also administrative elements in the center, and this is a good thing. He directed a question to Prof. Dr., the director of the center, that... There are obstacles in the center that hinder its work or not, and he said that a gray state does not always make for success. On the part of the center director, he said that the big request for the center is its need for a good place and that it has a large area, or at least the presence of 6 training halls in it, as the location of the center The previous one was in the College of Commerce, then they identified another place in the central library on the first floor, but it was not used. Then the center’s location became the College of Education, which contains 3 study halls and 3 administrative places, and this is not enough because when communication is made with external parties to agree on training courses, they will be the first Obstacles are the space of the place. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim added: If a place is added in addition to the current place, will it be compatible with yours and will it help in modernizing and developing the center? Then he promised the director of the center to add everything the English Language Center needs to be a strong addition to Mansoura University. Then Dr. Mahmoud Al-Jaidi spoke that this center could be expanded and more than one language added to become a source of translation into all languages, and its name would be changed to be the Languages and Translation Center instead of the English Language Center. He is in the process of submitting a proposal to open a multilingual center while providing a permanent headquarters in the College of Arts in the building. What is new, and for his part, Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim added that Mansoura University has places and centers with a strong shine, and that society sets its sights on these places, such as the Kidney Center, the Faculty of Medicine, and the Intilak Company (formerly the Information Technology Center), and that external universities such as Helwan University, Alexandria University, and the University of... Cairo uses Mansoura University programs and places its logos on their certificates. It is considered a strength for Mansoura University. When we think about the existence of colleges such as Al-Alsun, Archeology, and Digital Media, there must be a strong language center at the university to be used in these colleges. We always strive for continuity and progress in creating a language center for those who come after us. He believes that it has value and stature. Then the center’s agenda was discussed.

In the end, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim thanked all attendees for their interaction and valuable contributions to the discussion.