A meeting to discuss the executive position of the process of establishing the outpatient clinics building at the Faculty of Dentistry

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim Mohamed - Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs met with the following:

Mr. Prof. Dr. Yasser Lotfy - Dean of the College of Dentistry, Prof. Dr. Sherif Masoud - Dean of the College of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Nabil Balat - Professor at the College of Engineering and Project Manager, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Youssef - Professor at the College of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Attia - Professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Director of the Center for Studies and Consultations, Eng. Mohamed Abdel Shafi - General Director of Engineering Affairs, Eng. Ayman Saeed Ahmed - Director of Civil Projects at the Qadir Factory at the Arab Organization for Industrialization, Eng. Mohamed Ahmed Al-Saadani - Civil Engineer at the Arab Organization Manufacturing, Mr. Adel Al-Sayed - Civil Engineer at the Arab Organization for Industrialization.

At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, welcomed the attendees, and the meeting discussed the following:

Arranging an entrance for equipment and supplies to the work site
Coordinating the dismantling of existing generators until they are dismantled and delivered to the party that owns each generator.
Taking the necessary measures to transport and install the transformer outside the scope of work on site.
Take the necessary steps to solve the problem of foundations interfering with existing buildings, if any.
Discussing the proposal of Mr. Prof. Dr. Nabil Balat, project manager, to modify the foundations from piles to reinforced foundations, while reducing the number of floors from ground and six to ground and four.
Discussing the problem of the sewage plant
All of the above problems and obstacles that prevent starting work on the project were discussed, and all attendees agreed on the following:

Arranging an entrance for equipment and supplies to the work site through the College of Medicine gate, provided that no damage is caused to the gate or the facades of the College of Medicine, and allocating the space in the place to project services throughout the project implementation period (12 months) and until the project is completed.
The Arab Organization for Industrialization is committed to dismantling the existing generators and handing them over to the party that owns each generator under the supervision of the electricity company.
The Arab Organization for Industrialization is committed to taking the necessary measures to transport and install the transformer outside the scope of work on the site under the supervision of the electricity company.
The Arab Organization for Industrialization is committed to implementing the project in accordance with the principles of workmanship, and if it is necessary to create a support pile clause in some places, according to what the project supervision body estimates.
The proposal of Mr. Prof. Dr. Nabil Blat will be withdrawn, with emphasis on the commitment to implementation in accordance with the principles of workmanship.
The University's General Administration of Engineering Affairs is committed to solving the problem of the sewage station.
The Arab Organization for Industrialization will begin work on the site starting Saturday, December 23, 2023, after removing the previous obstacles.
In the end, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim thanked the attendees for their interaction and valuable contributions to the discussion and work