Meeting of the team to discuss ways to produce fodder locally - Sunday, December 31, 2023

Professor Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Vice President of the University, met with a team to discuss ways to produce fodder locally today, Sunday, December 31, 2023. They are:

Prof.Dr. Mohamed Gabr - Vice Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs and President of the Veterinarians Syndicate in Dakahlia.

Prof.Dr. Metwally Abu Saree - Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs.

Dr. Ahmed Kamal - Advisor to the Vice President of the University for Presidential Initiatives and Digital Transformation.

This is to discuss ways to produce fodder locally, conduct studies and research on Egyptian fodder production, and undertake national initiatives to produce fodder for poultry, fish, and livestock with local production. Then His Excellency discussed submitting proposals and studies and forming work teams from the College of Agriculture and the College of Veterinary Medicine to develop ingredients from which to produce homemade feed to reduce the use of the dollar component. Dr. Jabr then moved on to talk about manufacturing alternative feeds from soy, corn, rosehip and flax seeds. He then gave a presentation explaining the statistics of Egyptian consumption of protein, meat and fodder. He explained that 25% of feed factories have stopped working due to the lack of raw materials and production materials, which leads to obstruction of manufacturing. Then move on. The professor, Vice President of the University, urged them to employ all the capabilities and capabilities of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Faculty of Agriculture to produce this production.

In conclusion, His Excellency thanked all attendees for their interaction and valuable contributions to the discussion.