A guiding convoy at the Agricultural Administration in Mansoura, Faculty of Agriculture, on Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Based on the societal role of the community service and environmental development sector to advance all sectors, especially the agricultural sector, which represents the locomotive of development, by presenting the latest findings of scientific research to engineers, technicians, and farmers, and providing solutions to the obstacles they face in the agricultural field, with the aim of increasing the productivity of the area unit, thus increasing the individual’s income and income. National and reduce the food gap to reach the stage of self-sufficiency in all different crops.

The Community Service and Environmental Development Sector at the Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, was led by Prof. Dr. Metwally Mohamed Abu Sari’, Vice Dean of the College for Community Service and Environmental Development, and under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ali Shata, Dean of the College, and with the participation of the following faculty members: Dr. Mohamed Mustafa Abu Habaja, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Engineering - Dr. Souad Hassan Hafez, Lecturer in the Crops Department. In cooperation with the Directorate of Agriculture in Dakahlia, a guidance convoy was conducted in the Agricultural Administration in Mansoura, as part of a series of convoys to meet the various needs of the Directorate of Agriculture and its affiliated agricultural departments.

At the beginning, the attendees, numbering 29 engineers, technicians, and farmers, were welcomed, where Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Abu Habaja spoke about the different stages of the development of agricultural mechanization in Egypt and the change it brought about in the agricultural sector, and how it contributed to saving time, effort, and production costs along the various stages of plant growth, reaching the stage of Post-harvest and how this affected increasing production, starting with reducing the rate of seeds used in agriculture and reducing losses during the harvesting and transportation process.

Then Dr. Souad Hassan Hafez talked about the faba bean crop, its economic importance, the different growth stages of faba bean, the obstacles facing the cultivation of faba bean in Egypt and ways to overcome them, how to reduce the rate of flower drop, modern knots, and the importance of combating pests, especially aphids, before the plant enters the flowering process. The importance of foliar fertilization with some elements during the flowering and setting process and avoiding the use of pesticides during the flowering stage and the impact of this on the productivity of the crop.

At the end of the convoy, the floor was opened for discussion to answer the questions of the attendees and to conduct a questionnaire for them.