Meeting with representatives of the National Council for Women to Combat Violence, Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim - Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs met on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, with the following:

Prof. Dr. Ghada Al-Qunaishi - Vice Dean of the College of Medicine for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Samah Al-Saeed - Director of the Violence Against Women Unit at the University, Dr. Hossam Al-Hilali - Public Relations Officer in the Office of the Vice President of the University, representatives of the National Center for Women.

After welcoming the distinguished guests, His Excellency discussed activating and supporting the Unit for Combating Violence against Girls at the university and the Safe Women Unit at university hospitals and the role of these units in confronting all forms of violence directed at women. Then he discussed ways to organize training courses to raise the capabilities of those dealing with issues of violence and participate in preparing the medical protocol. To train doctors to deal with victims of violence, in partnership with the National Council for Women, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations Population Fund, and to conduct awareness and education campaigns to combat violence against women. Then His Excellency also spoke about the conformity of civilized places and popular places that have turned into slums and areas below slums, and the differences in classes in them and the extent Awareness of the culture of violence in these areas, and studying the material and moral aspects of it. His Excellency referred to the National Strategy for the Empowerment of Egyptian Women 2030, which was launched by the Council within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals, and in line with Egypt’s Vision 2030, which includes four main axes: political empowerment, leadership, and economic empowerment. Social empowerment and protection from all forms of violence. The strategy recognizes the importance of addressing violence against women and protecting women from all forms of violence and their direct connection to economic activity.

Then, representatives of the National Council for Women discussed the recommendations, needs, and obstacles that the Violence Against Women Unit may face at Mansoura University, identified its strengths, and also talked about the national strategy.