Hussein Hammad School for Basic Education in Danabeq visited the Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, on Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sherif Khater - President of the University, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim - Vice President of the University for Community Service, Environmental Development and Entrepreneurship Affairs, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Shata - Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, and Prof. Dr. Metwally Abu Saree - Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs

The visit of Hussein Hammad School for Basic Education in Al-Danabiq to the Faculty of Agriculture was received to learn about the Faculty and ways of cooperation between the Faculty and the educational institution to raise the intellectual level of students, within the presidential initiative 100 Million Trees, in which the school participates, and to learn about the Faculty of Agriculture, its units, its importance as an educational and productive institution, and its role in the field of community service and development. The environment through its units of a special character.

1- Dairy unit

2- Faculty of Agriculture Nursery

3- Fish factory

4- Rabbit production unit

5- Electron microscope unit

The visiting bus arrived at the College of Agriculture at the specified time, and the school students (17 male and female students) and supervisors were received at the first designated place for the visit, which was

1- The Dairy Unit: We were received by Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Rifai, Director of the Dairy Unit. After welcoming the students and the visit supervisors, they entered the dairy factory and explained all the stages of manufacturing dairy products, such as making (1- Yogurt, 2- Cooked cheese, 3- Cream, 4- White cheese). Light salt 5- Cottage cheese 6- Local butter and extracting from it (morta). All parts of the factory were seen, including the manufacturing equipment for each product, the tanks for receiving milk, and its distribution pipes inside the factory. Dr. Muhammad explained the process of manufacturing each product individually, and the students saw each piece of equipment and how it is used in the process. Manufacturing. Then the students went to see the incubator for the dairy unit in which the cheese and yogurt are placed to complete the ripening process for each product. The products are placed in it for a period ranging between 6-8 hours. After that, the products are placed in the unit’s refrigerator, and then marketing. The students and supervisors saw all of this, and the yogurt product was presented to them. In order for them to taste the product themselves and evaluate it, they liked the yogurt very much because it is made from buffalo milk and is 100% natural. Some pictures were taken of the children inside the factory and parts of the factory and then leaving.

2- The college nursery: We entered the nursery and saw all types of ornamental plants present inside the nursery, such as cacti, roses, shade plants, and many other plants with beautiful and attractive colors and smart scents, with some simplified explanations of some of these plants and how to deal with them and care for them. We entered the silos in the nursery that contain On the beautiful shade plants, some pictures were taken inside the parachute with the children, and joy and happiness spread among them when they saw these beautiful plants of all kinds. Also, medicinal and aromatic plants were seen, and plants used in drinks and food, such as local and Saudi mint, rosemary, sage, and many other useful types, and also the method of propagation was learned. These plants, whether by seed, by cuttings, or by cuttings, were presented to the school with some plants as a model for them and as evidence of their friendliness and love for this visit.

3- Fish Laboratory: We were received by Professor Muhammad Moaz, director of the unit, accompanied by Professor Ibrahim Mukhaymar, teaching assistant in the department. Inside the laboratory there are aquariums of ornamental fish with their stunning and wonderful beauty. It was a very great joy for the male and female students to see these fish and take pictures next to the aquariums and among the funny things. A large plastic plate was placed on the ground by Dr. Ibrahim, containing some fish, and an anesthetic was applied so that the students could play with the fish, hold them, and take pictures with them while they were very happy. He explained to them some simple things about fish and their types, and the school was also presented with some types of ornamental fish.

4- The rabbit production unit: After that, we went to the rabbit unit and were greeted by Mr. Abdel Qader. He moved an entire battery out of the rabbit house containing 4 rabbits of the California and New Zealand breeds, so that the children would have the opportunity to see the rabbits up close, hold them, and play with them. They were also explained about the features and benefits of rabbits. They are nice, useful and human-friendly animals, and their meat is soft and useful for children.