A meeting regarding the renovation and development of the university’s guest house, Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim - Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs met on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 with the following:

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Al-Saeed - Director of the Guest House, Eng. Mohamed Abdel Shafi - General Director of Engineering Affairs, Eng. Hani Farraj - Engineering Member of the Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Sector

This is to discuss the work of replacing, renovating and developing the rooms, halls and facades of the university’s guest house and agreeing to form a committee headed by Engineer Mohamed Abdel Shafi and in coordination with Prof. Dr. Mohamed Al-Saeed, for maintenance, replacement and renovation work and to conduct an assessment to study the loads and install electrical panels and raise the capacity and efficiency of the house.