Workshop on “Skills for Writing a CV and Passing a Personal Interview” at the Faculty of Arts, Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Workshop on “Skills for Writing a CV and Passing a Personal Interview” at the College of Arts... Tuesday, March 12, 2024; In cooperation between the Alumni Association Committee at Mansoura University and the Graduate Follow-up Unit at the Faculty of Arts:

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sherif Khater; President of Mansoura University... Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim; Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs... and Leadership by Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Suleiman Al-Jaidi; Dean of the College of Arts... and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Suhair Muhammad Waheed; Vice Dean of the College of Arts for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs - Prof. Dr. Doaa Samir Hazza; Chairman of the University’s Alumni Association Committee and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs... and organized by Prof. Rania Rawhi Mahmoud; Director of the Graduate Follow-up Unit at the College of Arts... and coordinated by Dr. Muhammad Jalal; Rapporteur of the University’s Alumni Association Committee... Abd al-Rahman Omar; Committee Coordinator.. Dr. Hossam El-Din Al-Hilali; Committee member.

The Alumni Association Committee of the Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Sector at Mansoura University, in cooperation with the Graduate Follow-up Unit at the Faculty of Arts, organized a workshop entitled “Skills for writing a CV and passing a personal interview.”
This will be on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, in the conference hall of the College of Arts.
Presented by Dr. Arwa Ahmed Al-Barashi; Director of the Human Resources Development Unit at the College of Tourism and Hotels, Dr. Hossam El-Din Al-Hilali; Doctorate in Sociology and member of the committee... in the presence of (60) of the target group from the College of Arts.
The importance of knowing how to prepare a CV, its basic elements, and what to do and what to avoid when writing it was discussed. It also discussed how to pass the personal interview; In terms of external and personality traits and the most common questions expected in a personal interview. At the end of the workshop, the door was opened for dialogue, discussion, and honoring. A questionnaire was designed for evaluation

It is worth noting that the workshop “Skills for writing a CV and passing a personal interview” will be implemented in all university colleges within the framework of the direction of the Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Sector at Mansoura University to enable university graduates and final-year students about to graduate to know how to write a CV with high professionalism and an advanced and developed curriculum. Also ensuring that they are familiar with everything they need when meeting with recruitment officials or managers and how to answer common questions, in cooperation with the graduate follow-up units in the university’s colleges.