Meeting regarding border convoys, Sunday, March 31, 2024

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim - Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs met on Sunday, March 31, 2024 with the following:

Prof. Dr. Ghada Al-Qunaishi - Vice Dean of the College of Medicine for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Prof. Dr. Wafa Salim - Vice Dean of the College of Nursing for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Prof. Dr. Hani Qenawi - Vice Dean of the College of Pharmacy for Community Service Affairs, Prof. Dr. Mr. Gad - Vice Dean of the College of Dentistry for Community Service Affairs, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Jabr - Vice Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine for Community Service Affairs, Prof. Dr. Amr Gabr - Activities Coordinator in the Community Service Sector, Dr. Hossam Al-Hilali - Convoys Coordinator in the Service Sector Community, Brigadier General Ismail Hassan - Dignified Life Coordinator.

This is to discuss the general preparation for the work of the integrated border convoys, “Al-Manzala Convoy - Halayeb and Shalateen Convoy,” where choosing the places most in need, coordinating with the Decent Life Foundation, choosing medical kits, supplies, and equipment, and choosing the place of residence, method of travel, and departure.

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