Community service and environmental development sector team meeting

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim - Vice President of the University met with the members of the Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Sector team today, Thursday, December 28, 2023:

His Eminence welcomed the attendees and then proceeded to discuss the action plans proposed for their implementation during the coming period. His Eminence pointed out the importance of our role as a university in developing the general framework inside the university and outside the university for Dakahlia Governorate and then inside and outside the country, and the necessity of always searching for progress and development and modifying behaviors and cultures and the awareness role. Then he urged To spread awareness to reduce the number of problems that exist within the university among students and to spread culture of all kinds among them, then he presented some options, which are that the service performer is not harmed by his performance of the service, and that we do not infringe on the powers of others and choose the financial management of the convoys, and that there always be a financial and administrative official and the presence He discussed a mechanism for using and distributing medicines within convoys. He also referred to the development of green spaces at the university and small and micro projects. He talked about the existence of continuity and sustainability. Then he distributed the roles to the committee members, then stressed the necessity of having scientific material, identifying an implementation team, creating an application schedule for implementation, and studying the returns.

In conclusion, His Excellency thanked all the attendees for their interaction and valuable contributions to the discussions and efforts made at work.