A meeting regarding the liver transplant building project at the university, Thursday, February 15, 2024

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim - Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs met on Thursday, February 15, 2024, with the following:

Prof. Dr. Mohamed El-Gamal - Professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Director of the Supervisory Body, Prof. Dr. Helmy Ezzat - Director of the Digestive System, Prof. Magdy Farid - Assistant Secretary of the University for Financial Affairs, Eng. Hani Farrag - Engineering Member in the Environmental Sector, Mr. Ahmed Yahya - Legal Member of the Environment Sector, and the Price Study Committee: Mr. Alaa Saad El-Din - Secretary of the Eye Center, Mr. Gomaa Muhammad Gomaa - Senior Financial Affairs Specialist Mr. Mahmoud Al-Iraqi - Financial Affairs Specialist.

This is to follow up and discuss the price study and install the supply of medical and non-medical furniture in the project.