A panel discussion on the National Population and Development Strategy 2023-2030, Thursday, February 22, 2024

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sherif Khater - President of Mansoura University and the leadership of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim - Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and in cooperation with the State Information Service headed by Dr. Diaa Rashwan and led by Dr. Ahmed Yahya - Head of the Internal Media Sector, the Community Awareness Committee headed by Prof. Dr. Sahar Abdel Aziz Al-Dakrouri, a panel discussion on the National Population and Development Strategy 2023-2030, in the presence of the colleges’ deputies for community service and environmental development affairs, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abu Al-Nour - Vice Dean of the College of Sciences and Prof. Dr. Mohsen Abdel Latif - Vice Dean of the College of Specific Education and Prof. Dr. Mr. Gad - Dean of the College of Dentistry and Prof. Dr. Abeer Heikal - Vice Dean of the College of Engineering and Prof. Dr. Sayed Ezzat - Professor of Media at the College of Specific Education and members of the Community Awareness Committee Colonel / Ismail Moawad - Hayat Karima Foundation and Prof. Dr. Samah Khamis - Committee Coordinator Dr. Sarah Zidan and Dr. Amal Younis and Dr. Hossam Al-Hilali and Dr. Reda Ibrahim, Professor Ahmed Abu Al-Qasim, Professor Bilal Shaaban, and many faculty members in various colleges. The discussion session was moderated by Prof. Dr. Sahar Al-Dakrouri and Dr. Maysa Al-Minshawy - Head of the Development Media Unit at the Mansoura Media Center
The seminar addressed the axes and objectives of the strategy, the harms of sustained population growth, the obstacles that reduce economic growth and the exploitation of state resources, and the necessity of exploiting the enormous human potential that is considered one of the comprehensive strengths of the state in increasing the economic growth necessary to confront population inflation. Several important recommendations were extracted to confront this serious societal problem to advance the wheel of progress. Moving forward, these recommendations are summarized as follows:

  • Expanding the graduation of cadres specialized in providing family counseling.
    - Adding a family counseling program to the courses taught in colleges of medicine and nursing and to all training for health service providers.
    - Expanding reproductive health and family planning services in the comprehensive insurance system.
    - Facilitating the provision of family planning services to people with disabilities through places designated only for them to facilitate their access to them without difficulty.
    - A systematic, long-term media plan to introduce reproductive health services and encourage family planning.
    - Facilitating procedures for licensing family planning clinics affiliated with civil society organizations in border areas deprived of services.
    - Raising awareness of the importance of the thousand golden days of a child’s life
    - Activating electronic referral systems to link hospitals with primary care units.
    - Follow up on the implementation and activation of the law criminalizing child marriage and all participants with full determination and precision.
    - Increasing the penalty for dropping out of education.
    - Establishing provisions to address the problem of school dropout.
    - Increase the penalty for child labor.
    - Increasing family counseling units to provide counseling sessions for mothers and establishing electronic communication and remote consultations.
    - Expanding student activities at universities, whether theatrical, sports, social and cultural, to correct societal misconceptions about population and reproductive health issues.
    - Preparing specialized awareness programs targeting men in general and youth in particular to raise awareness of population issues
    - Disseminating and activating awareness programs for those about to marry, especially those related to reproductive health and positive education, and including them in family counseling programs and the presidential initiative to develop the Egyptian family essentially.