The caravan of Al-Mansoura University "Jesour al-Khair 21" continues the activities in Haleib and Shalatin and Abu Ramad, searching for Ali (929) citizen during the third day, Monday, May 20, 2024

Al-Mansoura Comprehensive University Caravan "Jesour Al-Khair 21" Continuation of activities in Halayb, Shalatin and Abu Ramad with the discovery of (929) citizens during the third day The activities of the comprehensive Al-Mansoura University "Jasour Al-Khair (21)" caravan continued on Monday, May 20, 2024 for the third day in the city of Halayb, Shalatin and Abu Ramad under Under the patronage of Dr. Sharif Youssef Khater, President of Al-Mansoura University, Major General Amr Al-Hanafi, Red Sea Guard, Major General Harb Arkan Amr Jameel, Commander of the Southern Region, Professor Mohammad Abd al-Azeem, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development. which aims to provide comprehensive services in coordination with the Red Sea Governorate, the Ministry of Solidarity and the relevant authorities to provide all support, care and integrated services. Including the activities of the third day of the caravan, many of the activities and services used by the million people. And the statement of Dr. Ghada Al-Qunishi, Vice-Chancellor of Al-Mansoura College of Medicine and Head of the Medical Convoy, regarding the establishment of the Medical Convoy by signing the medical examination on (929) cases where medical cases were transferred to the Convoy in the following specialties (teeth, bones, organs, eyes, internal organs, children, heart, brain and nerves) - Physiotherapy - Nose, Ear and Throat - General Surgery - Chest - Digestive System Surgery) and performed 1 major operation and 104 minor operations on children and performed 40 cases of sonar detection and performed 5 cases of colonoscopy with sample taking and performed 8 minor operations and transformation 6 cases of ophthalmology and major procedures . Al-Muhammadiya Al-Tawiya team headed by A.D. Sahar al-Dakrouri and member of A.M.D. Samah Khamis, A. Islam Al-Bashlawi conducted a field visit to 75 women in the Al-Zahra Mosque in Al-Shalatin city and included topics of awareness: the importance of pre-marital examinations, how to establish small-scale marriages with simple means, the necessity of following up the gifted and scientifically superior ones, awareness of what the Ministry of Social Solidarity has offered for women to help them establish sewing jobs. and manual actions, raising awareness about what Al-Mansoura University offers, educational scholarships for those who excel scientifically and mathematically, drug prevention and warning, the hotline for the anti-addiction and addiction treatment fund and free treatment centers in Qena, Aswan and the Red Sea, how to detect different types of cancer early by self-diagnosis and the symptoms and early indicators that call for it Medical examination and the distribution of various gifts to the children accompanying the mothers, and the health awareness team, consisting of me: Dr. Rania Al-Kurdi, Dr. Vedad Saber, Dr. Heba Jadullah, held health talks and individual sessions for awareness. The different health, which is aimed at teenagers and students of the nursing school and nurses of the central hospital, includes topics of health education: puberty in girls and boys, interaction with menopause, training of family planning nurses to implement health advice on contraceptives, the importance of vitamins, minerals and sources Occurrences, healthy lifestyle and providing counseling for (60) teenagers, (20) nursing staff at Shlatin Central Hospital and Al-Tamreez School. And during the activity of the Legitimate Selection and Future Creation Committee, the member of the student group, Esra Majid, became a student at the fourth level of Al-Mansoura University's College of Special Education, training about 12 ladies, including Shalatin, to complete the embroidery workshop and learn the principles of Al-Mukramiyah art and the implementation of Al-Mukramiyah medals. The team of the Children's Care and Development Center and the Sports Caravan organized an entertainment festival in Shalatin, in Ezbat al-Ashraf and Ezbat al-Hakamab, and about 245 children between the ages of 1 and 14 years participated, and our day was divided between: a workshop for free drawing and painting, and about (45) children participated in it. A workshop to recycle empty cans into simple toys with around (36) children, recreational sports games and competitions, a workshop to make small accessories and bracelets for children, face painting and distribution of gifts, toys and candy to children. Al-Qafla Al-Vetririya is headed by Dr. Mohammad Jabr, Professor of Medicine and Vice-Chancellor of the College for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Dr. Awad Rizq, Professor of Surgery, Anesthesiology, and Radiology, and Professor Dr. Hossam Mohammad Ibrahim, Professor of Internal Medicine, and Professor Mamdouh Saeed, Obstetrics, Reproductive and Artificial Insemination Consultant. The most (450) head of camels in Souq al-Jamal and the number (250) head of sheep and goats and the treatment and vaccinations of all the sick animals were spent free of charge from the veterinary pharmacy of the caravan, as well as providing the training and guidance necessary for the educators in these gatherings, in addition to this, the theme of the visit to Al-Shalatin Quarry and Research Institute Animal health and the discussion of issues related to the reception of beauty and animals received in the quarry, and the discussion of the endemic situation of the places that are imported, especially Sudan, and veterinary health problems that require comparative scientific research during a scientific discussion with the director of the Institute of Animal Health Research and the researchers of the institute.