A comprehensive agricultural medical convoy arrives in Barqin village in Sinbellawein, Dakahlia Governorate, as part of the presidential initiative “Beginning to Build a New Human Being”
A comprehensive agricultural medical convoy arrives in Barqin village in Sinbellawein, Dakahlia Governorate, as part of the presidential initiative "Beginning to Build a New Human Being" Within the framework of the presidential initiative "Beginning to Build a New Human Being", and Mansoura University's keenness to serve the community and develop the environment, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Agriculture, in cooperation with the "Decent Life" Foundation, organized a comprehensive convoy that includes medical, agricultural and awareness services in Barqin village in Sinbellawein Center, Dakahlia Governorate, on Thursday, September 26, 2024. The convoy targeted all members of the village, including men, women, youth and children, and achieved a wide turnout from the villagers. The convoy provided agricultural guidance and medical services that included examinations in various medical specialties, as more than 500 individuals were examined. The statistics were as follows: Orthopedic surgery: 89 cases were examined. Internal medicine: 162 cases were examined, and 2 of them were referred for follow-up treatment. Cardiovascular: 6 cases were examined, and 3 of them were referred. Ophthalmology: Examining 160 cases, and referring 36 cases for further care. Dermatology: Examining 42 cases, and referring 2 of them. Obstetrics and Gynecology: Examining 33 cases. Ear, Nose and Throat: Examining 28 cases. Chest Diseases: Examining 21 cases. Pediatrics: Examining 60 cases. General Surgery: Examining 8 cases. Total number of beneficiaries: 609 individuals, 43 of whom were referred for follow-up treatment in hospitals. This convoy is an important step in improving the level of healthcare and providing awareness and agricultural support to the people of Barqin village, and comes within the university's efforts to support rural communities and achieve the goals of the presidential initiative in building a new human being who enjoys health, knowledge and awareness.