My journey program for young faculty members, staff and students at the university

With the participation of 18 colleges and 6 public departments, with a number of 382 participants
Today, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim - Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs and Prof>Dr. Mahmoud Al-Jaidi - Dean of the Faculty of Arts inaugurated the ceremony.
“My Meshwari Program for Young Faculty Members, Staff and Students at the University”
In cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and UNICEF, and in the presence of Mrs. Prof. Suhair Wahid - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Commander Issam Ramadan - Coordinator of the Meshwari Program and Deputy Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports in Dakahlia, Dr. Mustafa Amin - Director General of the General Administration of Environmental Projects, and a group of Youth leaders and university graduates, where the program began with the national anthem, then the Holy Qur’an and a welcoming speech from the Dean of the College of Arts to the attendees, then a speech from the representative of the Youth and Sports Directorate in which he emphasized the university’s pioneering role in changing misconceptions among young people, then a speech from the Vice President of the University for Community Service and Development Affairs. The environment, in which he urged the attendees to love work and excel at it in order to stay away from the train of the unemployed, and a documentary film was shown about the goals of the Mishwari program for youth.
The lecturers and those responsible for implementing the program were honored by the university leaders present, and Commander Essam Ramadan spoke.
At the beginning of training:
Introducing the Mishwari project in cooperation between the Ministry of Youth and Sports and UNICEF, and talking about the concept of skills development, the concept of development and skill, and discovering the strengths that young people must discover in themselves in order to exploit these points to achieve their goals.
Then knowing the challenges (weak points) and how to overcome them, and introducing some life skills, including cooperation - participation - problem solving - decision making - negotiation - resilience - then talking about the concept of self-management, which includes the Johari window and how it can be used to understand ourselves.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Jazzar talked about the concept of goals, achieving smart goals, how to manage time, and talked about the definition of time management and the time management matrix, which includes the crisis square - the planning square - the delegation square - the waste square, and how to take advantage of time to exert effort and succeed.